Jake and Keith Provance

We are a father and son co-author team. We both felt the Lord wanted us to partner up to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. The first step in that journey was to write the book Keep Calm and Trust God. We’ve written several books, all for Christian believers, that have sold hundreds of thousands of copies over the years, and we look forward to blessing as many people as we can through our writing. We are both married with wonderful wives: Megan, Keith’s wife and Jake’s mother, and Leah, Jake’s wife. We believe that God is a good God, and that all who confess Jesus as Lord will be saved. If you ever have any questions, feel free to email us: Jakeandkeith@wordandspiritpublishing.com ​
We can say with absolute confidence that we are doing what the Lord has told us to do in this season. We believe that this is a ministry of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ through the printed page.
Partnering with us is simple
We have partners all around the nation who buy our books to give away, who pray for us, and believe in what the Lord is doing through these books. However involved, and to what extent you feel like the Lord is leading you to invest your time, prayers, and resources into this work, we appreciate you and are excited to bless some people with you.
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We have donated thousands of books to prison ministries, medical ministries, kids camps, homeless shelters, etc. If you would like to partner with us to send out the Gospel through the printed page then we would like to give you an opportunity to do that.
We are not a non-profit organization, so we won't be able to give you a tax deductible receipt, but we can promise that the Word of God will go forth.