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A King Does Not Look Away

Writer: Jake ProvanceJake Provance

There are issues in life. There is hunger, pain, grief, turmoil, sickness, and death. Many afflictions can be found both in the heart and flesh. These are not the root issues that we face, however, just mere fruit growing from the same tree. The tree is sin; and its roots are made strong through fear. Too long have the righteous stayed silent. Too long have they who hold the light, seen the darkness, and yet... remained still. We have enjoyed the fruits of Christ’s labor, and lived in the abundance of His peace and joy. Along with salvation, we also inherited a title, a position, and ultimately, the family name as adopted heirs. This is only one age; there is another age to come. It is an age when we will reign as kings and priests underneath the King, Jesus. But we do not have to wait until that great age has come to take up the mantle of king, that has been bequeathed to us by the King of kings. We are the kings that He is the King of. And there are certain traits that a king possesses, certain duties a king must perform, and ultimately, a royal, immovable conviction of will to protect his people.

In order to protect his people, there is one thing that a king can never do: look away.

He must stare into the eyes of the people dying of diseases, poverty, starvation, and corruption. He must look the problems in the eye and use his authority to apply the remedy.

We have sacrificed our convictions, our morality, and the source of our strength in a devilish manipulation at achieving the "greater good." Homosexuality is evil and a sin. People identify themselves with a sin that God calls foul and an abomination. They parade themselves into hell while we give them a fake love petrified of the persecutions that comes with living openly for Christ. We preach acceptance instead of repentance. Jesus never preached acceptance; He ate with sinners to offer them salvation—to offer them repentance. He always preached for them to turn from their wicked ways and follow Him. So why are we catering to sin and walking on eggshells around it. Of course, we want them to accept Christ, but sacrificing God’s law in order for them to get a chance at Christ is a stratagem from the enemy, not our Father. Let the Lord speak for Himself; when the miraculous manifests, there is no need for the greasy smooth talking of humanistic wisdom. We preach Christ, no more and no less. We are vessels unto honor, temples to house the Holy Spirit, and when we preach Christ through the Greater One who is in us, then none can stand against the wisdom of God.

We must quit developing our desires and appetites from the world. We talk like the world; we enjoy the entertainment of the world. We have traded our lives of intimacy with Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit for a life of eating the pig’s slop of the world. We have made it a habit of finding humor in and filling our mouths with cussing and every sort of foul language. We overlook all of the sin in movies and support those who make them while they oppose God’s law. If we find pleasure in the same things as the godless world does, then what does that say about us? If we go to the same bars, drink the same drinks, party, and celebrate the same way that the world does, then where do our loyalties lie? Was grace designed to bring us this low—to leave us powerless and helpless in a world falling into darkness and chaos? Of course not! Grace was intended to lead us to repent, to lead us to Christ, and find our abode in His presence. We are to gather our appetites and desires from Him and His Kingdom, not from the kingdom of darkness. The stronger your unholy desires, then look where you have been spending all of your time at. It has not been with Christ. God framed the world through words, and through the same conduit, we enact our authority as believers and worship our heavenly Father. Are we to also use our mouth to speak as the unsaved man or woman—to find humor in sin and replicate their speech? Surely not!

Satan has all too successfully corrupted God’s message of Love and Repentance into Tolerance and Acceptance. But there is one thing that he is unable to corrupt. There is one source of truth for all of time and eternity. That is the incorruptible and infallible Word of God. It still stands strong as ever. Others may try to pervert its meaning, many may try to stifle its power, but ALL who seek Christ and truth will find Him within the Word of God. The Word still stands; the Scriptures still carry with them the same power from whence they were spoke. God still watches over His Words to perform them. He scans the whole earth looking to show Himself strong and faithful on behalf of those who are committed to Him. God has not abdicated the throne; He is still the presiding Ruler and Judge above all. Do not fear what they will say or what they will do. Love them enough to stand for truth, to stand for Christ, to stand for their salvation and repentance instead of welcoming their ungodly lifestyles into our society and into our homes. We have laid down for too long and claimed it was love when really it was cowardice. We have looked the other way as sin and evil has grown. We’ve sipped on the sin of the world for too long; it’s time to turn ourselves from the doctrine of mediocrity. We’ve pondered what is wrong and what is right, looking for the great dividing line instead of earnestly desiring to do what is holy and forsaking all things that remotely come close to requiring justification. Our works could never save us, they could never produce power, but our submission to Christ and to the gratification of our spirit above our flesh will always produce holiness and manifest the supernatural.

So, what will you do? Will you continue to shop at places who parade with “pride” over what God hates? Will you continue to support the industries that peddle every sort of sin and lawlessness? Will you play music, shows, and movies that are filled with filth and justify it? Convictions alone will not see you through the times ahead; turn to Christ and ask the Holy Spirit to help organize your life. You may have to change your desires, what you do for fun, but it is worth it; there is so much fun to have if you’ll trust God to see it. The peace and joy of a child of God serving God is more powerful than any tonic produced by this world. The evening air is quieter, the morning walk more vibrant, and the waves more peaceful. Living life God’s way is ALWAYS the best way, and if you’ll be patient and commit to living His way, then you’ll enjoy a life you’ve never dreamt that you could.


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