Check out the Introduction from our Latest Book:
In the year 1519, the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés landed on the shores of what is now Mexico, tasked with the monumental mission of conquering a vast and unknown territory. Faced with an immense challenge and sensing the hesitation among his men, Cortés made a decision that would become legendary: he ordered his fleet of ships to be burned. By setting these ships aflame, Cortés removed the possibility of retreat, thus anchoring his men’s resolve to one outcome—victory. Though his goal and even his character were questionable, this decisive act would become the hallmark expression for taking irreversible steps toward achieving a monumental goal: “Burn the Ships.”
In our lives, the principle of “no retreat” challenges us to confront our obstacles and adversities with steadfast faith and determination. Living a no-retreat lifestyle means setting ablaze our past mistakes, our fears of the unknown, and the excuses that keep us tethered to doubt, inaction, and mediocrity. It calls us to dismiss fallback plans, to press onward even under duress, and to navigate through life’s rugged, muddy terrains. This approach doesn’t just alter our circumstances; it transforms us.
Like blades forged in fire, our souls are tempered with every act of faith and reliance on God we undertake. Each moment of trust and each decision guided by the Word of God strengthens our spirit, akin to a sword being carefully shaped and strengthened in the flames of a forge. In this process, our souls are not malleable to the whims of circumstance; they are shaped by the deliberate touch of our Father. Unyielding, we become agents of change, capable of transforming our circumstances rather than being transformed by them. We live life from the inside out, radiating a strength and a purpose that originate from our deep, forged connection with God.
Life is not a rehearsal; it’s a one-shot performance on the grandest of stages. God has a unique and significant role for you to play. All He asks from you is that you play it from the heart. In the words of Beethoven,
“To play a wrong note is insignificant; to play without passion is inexcusable.”
It requires heart to focus on what matters most, to push through the demands of crisis, to trust God with every fiber of your being. As you turn the pages ahead, I invite you to draw closer to Jesus, to delve deeply into what He has revealed in the Bible, and to temper your soul with His words. This journey requires effort and the willingness to discover what God has in store for you, to explore the transformative work He can accomplish in you and through you. Will you join me in this endeavor? Will you read on and take decisive steps to lay to rest the excuses, fears, and past mistakes that have long plagued your life? The path ahead is not merely about passively reading a book—it’s about taking action. It’s about embodying the principles you uncover in these pages, about living a life marked by courage, faith, and no retreat.