There is a war the rages in our hearts and minds that no one can see.

The war that wages in silence,
The war of Self defiance.
Few have the intuition to have guessed or sensed,
The Enemies that many war against:
“A Pain that cannot be readily described.
A Shame on the heart forever Inscribed.
A Loneliness that no friendships can seem to fill.
A Battle that always feels to be up-Hill
A Hopelessness that no good news can alter.
A Strength of will ready to faulter.
A Weariness that can’t be fixed with sleep
A Self-image described as Cheap
A deep scar hidden by fake smiles
A Laugh disguising the hidden Trials
A Sickness that no amount of pills can heal.
A Wound that just won’t seal.
A Weakness that seems to always overtake.
A situation in which there is no escape.”
If you can relate to any or all of the above, then you know the feeling and great desire to Give up. Not all feelings of giving up are extreme, but many of these less intense feelings when neglected morphs into extreme conditions of the heart. Though everything you are feeling is real. The pain is real, and the situation you are in is real. The solution to your condition is just as real and even more potent. His Name is Jesus. There is always Hope, and even when you are faced with immense pressure, and your situation seems inescapable, Jesus will make a way for you. With God’s help there is light at the end of this tunnel. He has a plan to rescue you. No matter how deep a pit you may be in, He can pull you out. No matter how bad you have messed up or how deep in sin you might have fallen, His love is greater than your mistakes, and deeper than any pit you have fallen into. God knows you, better than you know yourself, and He is not mad at you. He is not disappointed in you, and He’s longing to encourage, comfort, and deliver you from your despair.
Usually when a struggle and challenges come into our lives, how we respond is everything. There are many who never had a loving parent to step in and give the wise advice and comfort them with a hug and telling them that it is all going to be ok. Others have felt the cold reality in the wake of disaster where Life seems to lose all meaning. Many have given up because the pain was to great, and the burden to heavy. And yet all of them never knew that all the while there was a Loving Father ready to shoulder their burden, and heal their pains…
If you feel like giving up, then know this:
As crazy and far off as it might seem to you, If you’ll get away with Christ, and learn of Him, and humble yourself before him and ask for help, then there is a day coming that you’ll be able to smile without feeling heavy, and laugh with the unbridled innocence of a child.
It is through Christ that you can find your strength. It is through Christ you find your purpose. It is through Christ that the answers you are looking for become apparent. It is through Christ that your heart can begin to mend. It is through Christ that you can have a relationship with God. God is a Father to all who come to Him through Christ. When you come to God, He is the one who will give you the purpose, and hope you are looking for. He created the entire universe, and yet he knows the numbers of hairs on your head. It takes Faith in a Loving father to overcome the pain of loss, the despair of being trapped in a situation, and the emptiness of being alone.
Even still there will be times when you will feel the pressure to give up. There will be times when it seems that God is far, far, away. There will be times where it seems that none of your prayers are being heard, much less answered. But faith is not moved by how we feel at any given moment, Faith is borne of the Word of God. Which simply means, Even if you don’t feel like your prayers were heard, But God said that when you pray in the name of Jesus, He Hears it, Then you have something more solid to stand on then how you feel. When you make a mistake, and you sin, in the same area for the 100th time, and you feel that God doesn’t love you and is far from you. But His Word Says that He Loves you, Forgives you when you ask, and has placed you in right standing with Himself. Then faith rejoices that your relationship and standing with your heavenly father is based on His Faithfulness, not your faithfulness! This is Why the word of God is so powerful to every Christian. It is our guide and our Rock. When we feel shakey, we can go to the word, Find out what God has to say and then base our life on that Solid rock so that when the issues of life crash against us, We may feel the effects of the pressure, but at the end of the day we are still standing because for us to fail, His Word would have had to fail first! And that will never happen!
So even when your faith feels weak and your victory a far off, Hope dares to believe that though you may not know the perfect scripture to stand on, or the perfect thing to say, You do know that God is a Good God, and you will stay on his side no matter what. It is true you may be in pain, But God is just as real as your pain. Friends, God is for you, but our own pride has caused many of us to have the audacity to be mad at God as if we have all of the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding present, to challenge God and assume His throne by making a better decision than Him. We can be so ignorant and yet get so puffed up in pride and shake our fist at God, or even go to the other side of the road and try to rationalize why God could have allowed terrible things to happen instead of Looking to His word for our answers, and trusting above all else that God is a Good God and ALWAYS operates out of Love because he is Love. Hope always stays on God’s side, Always expects a good future, and never gives up. So.. My encouragement to you this evening is, Regardless of your situation, Look to God for your help, answers, and for your hope:
When you mentally break down… Look to God. When lash out at your loved ones … Look to God. When You have spent most of your life ignoring God… Look to Him Anyways. When you have run out of hope… Look to God. When you have no more fight left in you… Look to God. When every door seems to shut in your face… Look to God. When You are Confused, Lost, and Hurt, Look to God. When You bury Your Child… Look to God. GOD LOVES YOU. Regardless of what you have experienced, God does love you and will help you if you let Him.
Being a Christian doesn’t make you immune to life’s difficulties, nor does It make you perfect. We know that crisis is going to happen in life. Sometimes it happens because of our own foolish choices. But don’t let it break you. God is ever ready with arms open wide, ready to pour out His Love upon you. Don’t Let shame or Pain create a barrier between you and Your Heavenly Father. There is something indescribable that happens When a Child of God comes home. When you lay down all of your pain, all of your guilt, all of your failures, all of your confusion, all that you are, and all that you hold dear before God. Your life laid bare before him, looking up through the tears asking for help when you know you don’t deserve it.
Its then, Because of what Jesus Christ did for you and me, The father reaches down inside of you and begins to wash over you with his love, cleaning you up from the inside out. You emerge with a different kind of disposition, a peace that passes understanding and a joy that rises up from a heart that has reconnected to His Creator. You weren’t meant to walk alone, nor to bare the weight of this life without support. This is what Jesus Accomplished for us! Christ is Undefeated, and He is on your side. He’s never given up on you. He is not ashamed of you. So Quit hiding, and instead of breaking under the pressure, Let God do what he does best: Love you.
For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning. Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God’s unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].
– Hebrews 4:15-16 (AMPC)