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Don't Give Up

Writer: Jake ProvanceJake Provance

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Don't Give up: Introduction

Nobody may know why you are struggling today or why thoughts of giving up may be lingering in your mind. Perhaps the idea of quitting is just a passing thought, or maybe the idea has festered to the point that you feel at the end of your rope and you have lost all hope. Many issues in life can bring a person to their knees. It could be that you have experienced a life-altering event, like the death of a loved one, the diagnosis of a life-threatening disease, a divorce, or the threat of financial ruin. Maybe it’s the betrayal of a close friend or a trusted coworker. Possibly you are the architect of your own demise, and your own actions of deceit and selfishness have alienated you from your family and friends. It could have been negligence on your part that has led to misfortune and pain in the lives of those whom you love the most. Maybe you have an addiction you cannot kick or repeated failures that have destroyed your self-confidence and left you living in a morass of discouragement and despair. Regardless of what has brought you to the brink of hopelessness, there is still hope—if you will grab hold of it.

That hope is Christ, and He can get you out of this mess if you let Him.

Like it or not, crises are normal to life in this world. This life is full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, victories and defeats, grand accomplishments and heart-wrenching setbacks. Everything can be going great one day, and the next day the bottom can fall out and turn your life totally upside down. Being a Christian does not prevent us from experiencing these issues, but being a Christian gives us a hope and the stability to ride out the storm through faith. Though life on earth is ever-changing and nothing seems stable or certain, there is one thing that is certain, one thing that never changes, one thing you can always count on: Jesus. He will never leave you nor forsake you. His love for you is the one thing that will never change.

It may seem like God is a million miles away. You may feel like your prayers were never heard, and that God has simply given up on you. This could not be further from the truth. Nothing you have done or will do could ever be more powerful than what Jesus did for you. God’s grace and mercy are ever constant and ferociously overtaking the sins of His children. All that is required is for us to ask for His help. There is light at the end of this tunnel, and with God’s help, you can make it through. He has a plan to rescue you. No matter how deep of a pit you may be in, His love can pull you out. No matter how bad you have messed up or how deep in sin you might have fallen, His love is greater than your mistakes, failures, and shortcomings. You may feel that you are facing an insurmountable mountain that is just too big to get over.

It might seem impossible, but I have good news:

God specializes in the impossible!

There is an answer, there is a path to victory, and there is hope. With God’s help, you will get on the other side of this thing—whatever it is! You must not give up. All is not lost; all hope is not gone. The night will not take you. The darkness will not claim you. Your past has not robbed you of your future. You are not out of options. Do not give up! The only way you will go no further in life is if you stop now. The only sure way to become a failure, for this to be the conclusion to your story instead of just a chapter in it, is by throwing in the towel and giving up.

You are not powerless to change. There is still untapped strength in you—a sleeping giant waiting to be awakened. You are not alone! There is a heaven on earth for you to enjoy, and a hell on earth for you to shun. There is a peace that passes all understanding ripe for the taking and an anxiousness for you to avoid. There is a hope for you to keep your eyes fixed upon and a worry for you to ignore. There is a love ready to transcend your highest dreams and a fear to overcome. But you must not give up!

This is not a lofty dream; this is God’s wish for you! You have already tried life your way, and look where it has brought you! It is time to try something different. It is time to give God’s way a chance.

He will come to your rescue and deliver you. He will provide a way of escape. Just cry out to Him, and He will answer you. By His Spirit and through His Word, you can find the help you need, the answers you are looking for, and the courage and strength to persevere and overcome even in the midst of the most adverse circumstances.

God is for you, God is with you, and He is on your side.

Our prayer for you is that as you read this book and meditate on the Scriptures here, the Lord will minister to you and show Himself strong on your behalf. We pray that His love surrounds you and engulfs you, and that His presence brings hope, healing, and encouragement to your heart.


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God loves you. Don't give up.

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