A few days ago I was attending a dance performance in support of My wife, Leah. Leah’s student perform on stage for many friends and family. During one of the songs, “come alive” from the greatest showman, everyone began to clap rhythmically to the beat. The energy in the room picked up and it made my afternoon watching these young girl’s faces light up with delight. While I witnessed this, I realized I wasn’t one of the people clapping. I thought to my self, “eh, one more person clapping wouldn’t make any noticeable difference, it would be one small noise among many. I was happy for the kiddos on stage, and though I didn’t personally know them, I was thrilled to see them all finish out the dance with such a spring in their step in it, and a joy that was bubbling over. Towards the end of the dance I did add my clap to the

hundreds clapping around me, and I learned something powerful in that moment. Never hold it back. I meet a great many number of people in a day, family and friends, store clerks, waiters/waitresses, and just random people in the grocery stores. I talk to many book stores, deal with different businesses, send out several texts, and emails a day. Every interaction I have with some one holds in it the potential to leave them lifted up. Too many times we shirk away from being kind to people. What will it matter, you are just some random person among many, saying something kind to them. But imagine if only one person was clapping for those dance performers. The shift in the energy, and disposition of the young ladies wouldn’t have happened. It’s when you add all the individual noises together that it echoes of the walls of the room and changes the atmosphere. Your one compliment, smile, kind gesture, or act of generosity may seem like it’s one clap in an empty room, but you don’t know who else in their life may be clapping. If you approach the small moments that add up to our lives, with the notion that your voice doesn’t matter, then you’ll always hold back your thoughts. When you think, “ they have a pretty smile” then tell them, when you see some one and think of how much you like what they are wearing, tell them! We are not in competition with one another, and it’s high time we stop holding back our kindness from those around us. Some may only have one or two people cheering them on in life, others may be popular and have hundreds, Let’s add our cheers to both!
Celebrate the peole you come in contact with. If some one is intelligent, funny, beautiful, talented, kind, driven, etc.. then let them know. Everyone has something you can celebrate with them!
Write a review on the book that blessed you, email the pastor that brought the life changing word to you, call your friends up and tell them you appreciate their company. Don’t hold back ! Don’t stifle the thanksgiving, don’t muffle the love in your heart due to something as silly as “awkwardness”. High school is over, start clapping, and stop comparing! Clap for them without need them to clap for you in return. Add your voice to the masses, and know that it matters. Im not talking about being fake, I’m talking about being genuine, looking to cheer some one on, and let people know when something they do is noticeable or life changing in a good way!
Hope this blesses you as it did me, Thank you for allowing me to be a source of encouragement in your life. Know that I’m Clapping for you!
I feel like the Lord led me to end all my posts with this simple reminder: God bless you all, I hope you know I pray over my readers. If you don’t have anyone in your life praying for you, then know that if nothing else you have me in your corner. I’m praying for all my readers, and that means I’m praying for you. We are all in this thing called life together, and no one needs to go at it alone. So feel free to reach out to me if you have a personal prayer request, also if you know someone who would like to be a part of our community, then let them know about the blog so we can all connect with our God and walk through life together as brothers and sisters! Love you all. -Jake