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God Is on the Throne

Writer: Jake ProvanceJake Provance

I am so glad that God is on the throne. He is a good God, a faithful God, an all-powerful God, an awesome God, a holy God, a healing God, a miracle working God. He defines Himself as Love. To say that He is on the throne and is reigning on high, is to say that Love reigns on high! He has protected His throne. Satan and his angels have tried to take it, many have audaciously tried to sit upon it, but it is God’s throne, and He has not and will not abdicate it. There is no higher office than His office. There is no throne above His throne. His words and decrees are sacred, powerful, and above contestation. He is not an elected official! No one appointed Him to the throne, nor dictated to Him what His duties are. Regardless of who your boss, governor, leader, or president is, you always can go over their head and straight into the throne room of God! Regardless of what judge, jury, and courtroom you are taking your case before, you can always appeal to a higher court! Your hope, your confidence, and your future do not have to be held in the hands of man; you can place them in the hands of God! So take comfort this day. Though many in this nation have feelings of unrest and uneasiness, do not join in with them in their despair, instead enlist your heart and mind to bow your knee to the King above every king and Lord above every lord. Place your trust in God, not man. God is not moved by what the

Enemy of our souls is trying to do down here. Satan tried to take God’s throne once before; it didn’t work out too well for him then, and it sure won’t work out for him now. God’s throne is untouchable, not because the throne is imbued with power, but because the one who sits on the throne keeps His throne and watches over all in His kingdom! Whatever you may be facing, take it to the throne room. Jesus died to give you access. God’s been wanting to hear from you. Though He may want to help you, He requires you to ask Him and believe in Him. Hear from Him on what your next step should be, cast your cares on Him, and place your confidence on Him and not in this world’s system. Because though the heavens and earth may pass away, God will remain, Unmoved, Unshaken, and Strong.




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