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Going all in for Christ

Writer: Jake ProvanceJake Provance

The best thing that you have done or ever could do is go “all in” for Christ. Putting everything on the line for your God, for your Friend, for your heavenly Father.  What are we afraid of? According to the Word of God we are children of light, we are warriors for His name, ambassadors for His kingdom. Why do we have defeat in our lives

, why are there so many problems, why is this life full of crisis? Christianity does not make you immune to the storms of life, it does however energize, equip, and empower you to overcome the storms with the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead, the Spirit of the conqueror! It’s not the problems that cause you stress, and heartache…. It’s your estimation of them that do the most damage to your soul.

Jesus said, “My burden is easy, my yoke is light.” Light and easy, doesn’t mean that the storm doesn’t rage in your life, but it does mean that you could be in the middle of your storm and not feel the effects of that storm just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. We’ve seen disasters happen across the world, and think, “well our faith can only prevent ‘some’ things, but this world is in a state of chaos and we can never truly be safe until we get to heaven.” This is not the case, confidence, trust, and reliance on God can prevent storms of life, it can deliver us out of the storms, and it can also deliver us through the storms. We must pray and discern from God for each storm what we need to set our faith on. In Ephesians 6:10 the amplified version of the bible says, “be strong in the Lord (being empowered by your union with him)…” You see, it’s the union between father and child that doesn’t change the potency of the storm that comes, but it changes your perception of the storm. Often times we should not pray to stop the crisis in life from coming, but instead for the strength to overcome them.

Jesus died on the cross to put us back in control of our own destiny. You have the ability to discern wisdom from the Creator of the universe, all you have to do is ask. Jesus could have just died on the cross to save us from an eternity from hell, but He did something extra.. He took 39 lashes, a crown of thorns, and a back-breaking trudge holding His means of death on his back. It said He was tortured to the point that He was beyond recognition, He didn’t even look human. And I know that with every lash He took, He didn’t see the sneering romans, He saw me. He saw you. He took every lash so you could live this short life on earth free from sickness and disease. Jesus was made poor so we could be rich. He overcame the world so that we could walk in confidence and use faith to overcome any test and trial we face. So why does sickness thrive, why do we make decisions that cost us, why do we have so much lack in our life, and why do we hope for a good outcome but prepare for a bad one? Because we don’t dare to throw everything we have and all that we are into The Word of God.

Though there are crazy people who seem to be sold out for Christ but they end up scaring those around them, and there is no fruit in their life of being spirit empowered in his or her union in Christ. Satan has used these people as a tool to scare even Christians into a less devoted life.

Most of us only dive into the word once we get sick, we need help, or we feel the pressure is on. And then we fight to get life back to normal. We yearn to get back to our distractions. Wonder what would happen if you maintained a bold relationship with God. If He was your everything even if you felt nothing. If every day you woke up with thankfulness in your heart and praises on your tongue. If you didn’t try to survive this life but decided to fight back.

For most of us, It’s not about gaining more knowledge of what to do, it’s just doing what we know we should be doing. I dare you to go all in with your God!


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