God loves you enough to tell you the truth. Christ even identifies himself
with Truth incarnate:
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man
cometh unto the Father, but by me. -John 14:6 KJV
Before you and even approach the father, you have to go to and through Jesus.
You have to walk the Path of truth and life. You have to accept the reality that you
are a sinner and you need Christ, and can only then approach the father in truth.
Walking with the Lord for a bit of time,
there is something that I’ve come to know about Him. He hates dishonesty.
"He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house;
He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence."
-Psalm 101:7 NKJV
When people are fake and insincere, and especially when we are
these things when communicating with Him, then He will not stick around and
chat. When we act this way it really is quite silly considering He
knows our heart better than we do. Sometimes we put on a act for everyone
else and we forget that we are still acting in front of God. We convince ourselves
that our situation is excusable, or not as bad, or not really sinful biased on
the reactions of others and our own self consoling. We practice deceit and lie to
ourselves and others.. This is a real intimacy killer between
you and your father God. God will meet you
wherever you are at, but He will never play your games, bend
to your will, nor pat you on the back in your own self-
deception. Christ is your Savior, so until you can recognize your
need for Him as a Savior, which means you’ve accepted that
you’ve sinned and have made a mess of things, then He can’t
save you. Through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, God will
forgive your sins, even the gross ones, even the repeated ones,
even the ones that no one knows about. God will forgive you a
hundred thousand times; however, this is only true if you’ll be
sincere and come back to the Father a hundred thousand times
to ask for it. Humanities biggest weakness is separation from
God. God will give you peace, joy, and increase your quality of
life. He’ll provide for you, heal you, and protect you. He’ll even
be your friend. Yes, God will befriend you if you’ll stay close to
Him and desire Him. Just like His forgiveness, a relationship
with Him is also incumbent upon our choices.
You have the ability to gain the greatest ally, the best friend, and
the dearest Father in all of time and eternity. This truth is above
contestation. I have sampled and now enjoy daily this
relationship that I’m referring to. The choice you must make,
though, is the choice of submission. Will you submit to His
decrees and His laws? Even if you transgress the law, like we all
do, then will you go to Him and apologize and ask for
forgiveness, or will you take pride in your sin and parade about
in it? Will you serve Him and alter your entire life for His use?
Will you bow before Him as King and swear your life and
allegiance to no other? He gave you life—and choice. Will you
choose to surrender that life back over to Him? Even if you fail,
sin, and do it big time, if you’ll still go to Him and repent, you’ve
never left His service. You are still His child—still in His
Kingdom. Even the word “kingdom” is referring to any stretch
of land where that specific king’s laws and ordinances are
recognized and followed. So, by you recognizing that what
you’ve done is sin and going before the King to ask for
forgiveness, you have proved that you’re still living as part of
His Kingdom. Condemnation is Satan’s attempt to separate you
from the King and keep you from going to Him to receive the
forgiveness and help you need. You can feel so ashamed for
betraying God’s trust, for sinning, and messing up when He has
done so much for you. You can feel so worthless and little and
unholy before His holy presence. Yet, I’m speaking personally
here now, I’ve never once been met with animosity or
contempt from God.
I brought in all the feelings of worthlessness and shame, and He’s
the one who took them off and clothed me in Christ’s righteousness.
We’ve all played this game of cat and mouse between sin and
forgiveness for so long. We’ve all fell hook, line, and sinker for Satan’s
tactics. But no more; condemnation holds no sway here any longer.
Christ Himself said to the woman caught in the act of adultery,
“Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.” The only one
with the right to condemn—does not do it. The Bible is full of
what happens when you choose Him. A lot of good, which
we’ve mentioned, but you’ll also suffer persecution. God is not
“politically correct.” If you follow Him, many will hate you,
condemn you, and claim you are narrow, shortsighted, a fool,
stupid, in need of the crutch of religion, and many other very
mean things. You’ll lose favor in many circles, and many times
it’ll cause rifts in families. Even still, none of this bad is even
worthy to be compared to the good that is God, Christ, and the
Holy Spirit. If you’ll seek God, stay close to God, bow to God as
Judge and King, and submit your life over to Him, you will be
satisfied beyond what you thought possible—in ways you’ve
never dreamed of—both in this life and in the life to come.
Believe it! There are two passages of Scriptures that I
recommend meditating on while keeping all of this in mind.
Matthew 10:22–39 and Matthew 6:25–34. Read them in
your favorite translations, and meditate on God’s
goodness while doing it.