We are 6 weeks away from my newest Book “I can do what the bible says I can do” being launched! I’m super excited to see what God is able to do with and through this book. So as a sneak peek, check out the Introduction.
“You Can Do What the Bible Says You Can Do!
Most Christians live far below the level of fulfillment, joy, and quality of life that God desires for them. But that is not what God intended! It is essential for us to come to the realization that through our relationship with Christ and by the power of God’s Word, we can do all things. Anything He has told us to do, He provides along with the directive, the grace, empowerment, equipment, and help necessary to do it!
God sent His very own Spirit to dwell within us to empower, comfort, and guide us into the life He had always planned for us to have. We have the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead living in us! The Christian condition is not a life of survival, barely making it through day by day. We are called to live a life of Faith, aggressively advancing under fire towards our God given destiny, with God’s Word as the anchor for our souls, utilizing the gifts afforded to us as God’s children, and depending on the Holy Spirit leadings and empowerments!
God never promised that the life of a believer would be one without challenges. He did promise the power and companionship to face these challenges head on—and to triumph over them. We are called, equipped, and supernaturally empowered to change our lives—and have a powerful impact on the lives of others.
We are sons and daughters of the Almighty God; we are not to look for pity and act like victims in our own lives. When the storm winds blow, a greater intimacy with our Father God will be forged as we trust in and rely on Him. When we find ourselves in fiery crucible of crisis, we can be confident, knowing that our faith is going to be tested, strengthened, and purified as we esteem the Word of God higher then life’s greatest challenges. There is nothing this life can throw at us that we can’t overcome! We are called to rise above life’s difficulties with an unshakeable faith in God. A faith that comes from an uncompromising conviction in the never-failing, life-empowering, bondage-breaking, life-giving, and faith-producing nature of the Word of God. God’s words are alive, and His commands and encouragements carry with them immeasurable power. Its time to tap into this power and elevate your perception, ability, and quality of life to the level God destined for you.
I encourage you to read on and let God heal your past, empower your present, and clarify your future It is time to do what the bible says you can do.”

I hope this whets your appetite to read more and serve as a powerful encouragement what you can do with, in, and through Christ!
I feel like the Lord led me to end all my posts with this simple reminder: God bless you all, I hope you know I pray over my readers. If you don’t have anyone in your life praying for you, then know that if nothing else you have me in your corner. I’m praying for all my readers, and that means I’m praying for you. We are all in this thing called life together, and no one needs to go at it alone. So feel free to reach out to me if you have a personal prayer request, also if you know someone who would like to be a part of our community, then let them know about the blog so we can all connect with our God and walk through life together as brothers and sisters! Love you all. -Jake