God is a God of Faith. He is unwilling to do without faith in all of His relationships. It is faith that separates us from the world. It is faith that gives us the victory over every adverse circumstance. It is faith that overcomes the world. It is faith in a child of God that lights the way for a dying and broken world. Faith is an action. Every action that the Father God has ever done has been faith. Every word He has ever spoken is alive with the unseen force of faith. God’s Word, The Bible, is living Faith. To hear it is to hear faith, to speak it is to speak faith, to meditate on it is to think on faith, and to do it is to live by faith. It was faith that quelled the raging seas, brought the dead back to life, gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, caused the lame to walk, and set free all of those who were oppressed. Every time a problem was met with faith, it was solved. It is faith that connects creation to Creator. It is through faith that the world was framed, and our salvation claimed. The life of every Christian is inseparable from faith. We are faith children of a faith God. We were made by faith with faith. Faith is in our very bones. To deny faith is to deny our very nature. There is a key that makes faith so powerful—that gives faith its potency; in fact, without it present in faith, then faith becomes inert. The secret ingredient is Love. God is Love, and faith works by Love. So faith works by God. God made us in His image much like we make children that look like us. He made us in the image of Love, by faith, and has instructed us to be and walk in Love while living by faith. This victory that overcomes the world and framed the world—our faith—is the manifestation of Love. It makes the hope of tomorrow a reality of today. To go further in life, to reach higher, to get closer to God, to quit the habit, to heal from the betrayal, to rise from the depths of depression, to smile when you feel like crying, to go on living when you feel like dying, to choose the light when all you can see is darkness, to press through the anxiety and pressure of the moment—TAKES FAITH.
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