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Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Writer: Jake ProvanceJake Provance

It’s simple, really. God loves you very much.

He never wants you to feel worried about your future, about your kids, or about your circumstances. He wants you to trust Him with those things. He never wants you to be depressed or in despair. He wants you to take refuge in Him. He never wanted you to be alone; He traded the life of His most precious Son, and all the suffering He had to endure, just so you could have a relationship with Him every day on this earth . . . stretching into all of eternity. God has given us all good things and desires nothing more than for us to accept His gifts, run into His arms, and be His child. Quit letting your heart be troubled by what you see and hear, and let your heart be comforted by the words of our Father God.

There is no mistake you have made, no sin you have committed, that is more powerful than what Jesus did for you. There is no place that His love can’t find you. Depression, despair, and fear have no claim on your life. Worry, anxiety, and stress can’t exist in the presence of the peace left for you by our Lord and Savior. God is with you, He is for you, and He will help you through His Word. There is a freedom, a comfort, a hope, a strength, a healing, a security, and a quiet confidence that is obtained and maintained through the life-giving power of the Word of God. It rewrites the mistakes of your past with the successes of Jesus’ past. It places a new identity within you, puts a powerful force to work for you, and bestows blessings upon you. Dare to give in to the life-giving Word of God. Dare to let go of the fear, worry, and anxiety. And finally, dare to let not your heart be troubled.

Here is a prayer you can Pray whenever you are faced with troubles:

Lord, I ask for Your help with keeping my heart safe. I know it’s up to me to protect my heart, but I ask for Your help to discern the good from the bad. Teach me the way I should go. If there are things that would desensitize me to Your voice, or things that are potentially harmful to my heart, I ask that You would tell me so that I may choose You over it. I cast all my cares, all the weights I have carried, and all my confusion on You, Lord. I relinquish my problems and all the mental anguish that comes along with them into Your capable hands. I choose to live freely and lightly in Your loving embrace. Thank You for Your help. Amen.

Here are some Scriptures to meditate on:

“Peace I leave with you; My own peace

I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the

world gives do I give to you. Do not let your

hearts be troubled, neither let them be

afraid. Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated

and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to

be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and


—John 14:27 AMPC

Guard your heart above all else, for it deter[1]mines the course of your life.

—Proverbs 4:23 NLT

My child, listen and be wise: keep your

heart on the right course.

—Proverbs 23:19 NLT

And finally here is an encouraging poem to lift up your spirits:

Let not your heart be troubled

by Deborah Ann

Let not your heart be troubled,

let not worry start your day

for Jesus came to give you

a new and peaceful way.

Let not concern unsettle you,

let not stress take its toll

for Jesus is here to calm you

and give quietness to your soul.

Let not your mind be burdened,

let not anguish weigh you down

for Jesus you can depend on

His tranquility is all around.

Let not your spirit fail you,

let not despair be what you feel

for Jesus desires your whole heart

to restore ~ so He can heal.

Let not your heart be troubled,

let not it be afraid today

for Jesus will bring you peace

and your anxiety will fade away.

This Entire Post is taken from our Book:


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