With all of the horrible things that have happened this year, I feel as if Christmas holds a special significance to all of us. To celebrate in the face of adversity is one of the most triumphant expressions of faith that any individual can display. The unsaved and the saved have felt the effects of 2020. Many feel betrayed by the issues that arrived in their life this year. God loves you and has not betrayed you. There are issues that arrive in this world, but this world is not all there is. There is a Heaven to gain and a hell to shun. So, take heart, even when you don’t understand why. God has not forgotten about you. It’s in the midst of these trying times that we should not look to a new year to bring about glad tidings, but we should look within each and everyone of us to bring forth the hopeful light that we all desperately need. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ. The beginning of our redemption process. I have had loved ones die, family members diagnosed with cancer, financial crises, and a myriad of other issues that happened to me personally this year. Not to mention all of the other things that we hear about on the news on a daily basis (elections, pandemic, etc.) and worries we must cast aside. Yet I remain steady. Through many tears, heartache, and issues, I’ve ran into the Master’s arms, and can smile this Christmas because I know God as my Father and Friend. This situation I am in, is truly a magnificent one. I will be celebrating Christmas all the more fervently because of what Christ has done is more real to me then what the enemy has wrought in this year. So for this Christmas, I’m not looking to 2021, I’m not looking back at 2020, I’m looking at the Love of a Father, the faithfulness of His Son, and the comfort of the Spirit. I encourage you to do the same This Christmas season. Find time to get away and pray. Worship God with some headphones on, and read His Word. Then, rather you can get gifts or not, give the gift of a cheery disposition, and love on your family with thanksgiving and a warm heart. Merry Christmas friends, God bless, Jake
