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The Unknown

Writer: Jake ProvanceJake Provance

No one made God, God. God is the Creator and not the created. Some people struggle with the reality that there are many things that God does not tell us. He tells us a lot in the Bible, and for those who walk with Him daily, He reveals more and more. Even still, the vastness of our ignorance is unquantifiable. It’s because of this lack of knowledge that many have left Christianity altogether. They allow the gaps of knowledge to breed doubt in their lives, often missing how ridiculous the alternative is. Happily, I have none such issues. I have enjoyed spending time with God and getting to know His character. Once you get to know God, then all your doubts about what information He chooses not to reveal dissipates. I know His love for me overwhelmingly surpasses my threshold of comprehension. His character, morality, and words are pure, unerring, and full of life. He always has our best interest at heart, and if there are questions you have, trust that He will reveal to you the answers when you are ready. There are no answers that I need down here that He has not already given. There are answers I would like down here, but none that my eternity rests

on that have not been given to me through the Bible. Do not let what you do not know cause you harm. I recently lost a loved one. I do not have all the answers in that area, but because I know God, I’m steady. I am not in danger of casting away my faith. I have confidence in God. Rather He reveals the answers or not, I will serve Him, love Him, and tell others about Him. Why? Because I know Him. I call Him Father, and He calls me son. If you cannot say this yet then I encourage you, read your Bible. Listen to sermons from Bible-based believers. If what they said is not backed up by 2 or 3 different Scriptures, then just put it on the shelf until it can be proved out in the Bible. Quit letting that “one” thought cripple your faith. The simplest form of faith that will save your life is this: Faith in God. Believe that God is good, that He loves you, and that He wants what is best for you. He is not the author of bad things, only good. So if something bad is in your life, then don’t blame God, He doesn’t put bad things on us, only satan does that. Instead, run to God, and ask Him for help. He can get help to you 1000 different ways. So instead of picking 1 way and asking for that, just cast all the weight of figuring out your situation onto the Lord, and let Him help you. This faith comes only by one way, reading and listening to the Word of

God. Get to know God as I have. I can tell you that Jesus was not kidding when He said: “ Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT) Light and easy is so true. Life gets messy, heavy, and difficult. So I’m so glad that I can come lay all that junk before Jesus, spend time in listening to and reading His Words, and then pick up His light and easy promise and carry that with me. You may not know what lies before you today, but I believe it is something good. 2020 is going to end GOOD, I’m believing that for myself, and for you. Enjoy the quote below, and until next time, God bless, Jake “The sea is dangerous and its storms terrible, but these obstacles have never been sufficient reason to remain ashore… Unlike the mediocre, intrepid spirits seek victory over those things that seem

impossible… It is with an iron will that they embark on the most daring of all endeavors… to meet the shadowy future without fear and conquer the unknown.”

― Ferdinand Magellan


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